Autumn Attunement Course - tuning out harm & tuning into kinship

Course Description

Join us for an immersive learning community course designed to support us in our un/learning processes to tune out harmful systems and tune into kinship with Earth and with each other. This fall season offers practices to compost our failures and become fertile soil for new stories to emerge and thrive, so that we may become more resourced, resilient and ready to face the genocides and ecocides we are currently witnessing with the ability to act out of love, dignity, and discernment.

We come together to explore radical attunement, a practice of aligning with earthly cycles and dismantling the destructive colonial patterns of extraction and violence that dominate our world. Together, we will go all the way to the ‘radix’, radical referring to exploring the roots of the problems, and the actions required of each of us from our different positions in society. We will face how we are often complicit in systems of injustice and harm, and how these systems manifest in our bodies, habits, and behaviors. By shedding these ingrained patterns, we open ourselves to new ways of sensing, knowing, and acting that move in sync with Earth’s rhythms, metabolisms, and intelligences. We work from the premise that the struggles for human liberation and ecological attunement support each other.

Autumn – a season of reflection, letting go, and transition to the barren wintertime –, is the perfect season for this exploration. Together, we will honor our lineages and express gratitude for the year’s harvest. As we move through this season, we will release what prevents us from showing up with discernment and gather the seeds of wisdom and resilience for the future.

The course includes:

Course Breakdown

Equinox Opening Ceremony

Saturday evening 21 September, 19.30-21.30 (online) Introduction ritual to Radical Attunement and this season’s program. We ground ourselves in gratitude, participating in the ancestral traditions to mark the equinox as the balance between day and night and the transition between seasons, honoring the larger web of life we belong to.

Session 1: Tuning into Kinship

Fri 4 October 10-17 Deconstructing the myth of the individual and honoring our lineage of ancestors – biological and energetic. Finding kinship with the more-than-human worlds. Who/what do we connect with? How to find our place in the great dance of life?

Session 2: Tuning Out: Decolonial Detox

Fri 18 October 10-17 What harmful or poisonous weeds need to be uprooted? Identifying the patterns, logics and attachments to the systems of extraction. We will hold space for shedding what harms.

Session 3: Fertile Composting

Fri 1 November 10-17 What can be offered to the compost heap? How do we responsibly engage in the larger palliative care needed to let capitalism, colonialism, and extraction decompose? How can we support the transformation of this debris into fertile soil for new stories to sprout and thrive?

Session 4: Fermentation

Fri 15 November 10-17 Fermentation is useful for both composting and preserving food for the winter. Through different fermentation processes, we will consider what kind of living cultures we are called to cultivate. How can we sit in the darkness with limited oxygen without suffocating or feeling immobilized? This is about staying with the trouble, while growing our lung capacity.

Session 5: Seeds of Change

Fri 29 November 10-17 What is called for in times of collapse? How to weather the “shit storm” and cultivate endurance for the difficulties ahead? In times of collapse, we are called to keep the seeds and not waste them, so they can be planted when the storm has passed. During this session we will explore ways to carefully collect and save the seeds of change that thrive in our communities, and in the soil where we are rooted.

Session 6: Winter Harvest Closing

Fri 13 December 13-22.00 with closing ceremony 19.30-21.30 Winter potluck. In this session we will delve deeper into preservation methods and taste the fruits of the season. How to integrate and preserve what we have tuned into and practiced during the previous sessions? We will share lunch and dinner together, concluding the course with a fire ceremony to support a deeper release and expansion, kindling our commitments to a continuous practice of radical attunement.

Note: the exact content of the sessions is under development, and subject to changes and additions.


To sign-up click here.

Learning outcomes

Who is this with

This course is designed for people with a socially engaged practice, who are committed to contributing to the larger transformations required in our society. For people who try to enact their commitment from whatever they are doing: : parenting, making art, engaging in activism, studying, building tech, telling stories, braiding sweetgrass, researching alternatives, making trouble, staying with trouble, foraging for herbs, watching the clouds, or cooking stews.

We welcome different disciplines, generations, experiences, orientations, identities and backgrounds. Welcome to queer, trans, non-binary, Black, Indigenous, people of color, disabled, parents, neurodivergent people, migrants. We will do our best to make it possible and affordable for you to join and connect. Please let us know if you have specific needs. We welcome people whose livelihoods and nervous systems have been impacted by systems of oppression. Our different lived experiences shape us in ways that both give us rich knowledge and understanding and limit our access to opportunities. It is through embracing our differences that we seek to form a web of care.

We especially welcome those who have been disillusioned with current systems and are seeking radical, non-reformist approaches to change. Those who know that transforming ourselves can change the world, and transforming the world changes us. The course is open to all who align with the above values of the learning community.


Other practicalities:


Our courses are offered in the spirit of mutual generosity and long-term commitment. “Reschooling with” is supported by a registered not-for-profit organization and run by freelance-artists-educators-moms. It is being built with generosity and voluntary labor (which is not included in the ‘real cost’ calculation). At the moment, we don’t have public or private funding or any independent means of financing the project. Therefore, we need financial contributions to make the project viable.

We offer sliding scales based on your financial standing. The range between the scales reflect the striking inequality in economic conditions between different members of society and parts of the world. We offer:


The middle scale reflects the basic real cost required to make the course possible. If you can offer more than the middle rate we suggest, then please do. This will help to support the ongoing development of the work and enable others who are more economically marginalized to have access to the course. We trust your discernment.


Course dates: